Event Preview: Mapping the Employee Journey for Engagement by 9 to Thrive and InnovateWork

We spend so much time investing in how to keep our customers happy and anticipating their needs, but so few organizations put the same effort in with their own teams. 9 to Thrive is partnering with InnovateWork to present Mapping the Employee Journey for Engagement – a tactical panel focused on how to treat your employee journey like a customer journey. […]

How to Make Your Remote Workers Feel Appreciated and Valued

According to the report State of Remote Work 2019, the biggest and unique challenges that remote workers face include unplugging after work, loneliness, difficulties in communication and collaboration with their remote colleagues, distractions at home, time zone differences, and staying motivated. The goal of your Human Resources department, even if it also consists of freelancers, […]

Navigating the Future of Work: Seven Competencies

A Brief History of Competencies Competencies have been around as a concept for centuries. We can trace them back to the medieval guilds, where apprentices learned skills by working with a master. The idea of competencies as we know them today was first proposed by David McClelland (1973). McClelland was asked by the United States […]