Benefits of Employing Chatbots in HR

Chatbots in HR

Chatbots and conversational AI are set to continue to make a big splash over the coming years. According to a recent survey, 87% of CEOs are currently looking to expand their AI workforce. And with good reason: chatbots lower costs, streamline client interactions, improve the customer experience and take repetitive, time-consuming tasks off your hands. […]

Managing Outsourced Teams and Contractors: Learning from Your Mistakes

Outsourced Teams and Contractors

Staff outsourcing and working with contractors is at an all-time high. Some companies look for a workforce across the globe, and some prefer to stay local. Both, however, work virtually, with no need for a physical office. As numbers keep rising, many outsourcing trends are flooding the market. Outsourcing remains popular, but it is certainly […]

Benefits of Using Chatbots in HR

Chatbots in HR

Companies with their finger on the pulse are aware that chatbots and conversational AI are set to make a big splash over the next few years. According to a recent survey, 87% of CEOs are currently looking to expand their AI workforce. And with good reason: chatbots lower costs, streamline client interactions, improve the customer […]

The Role of HR in Workplace Safety

Every workplace has its fair share of safety hazards. Even a seemingly completely safe and cozy office isn’t devoid of all kinds of potential dangers lurking in the background and putting unsuspecting employees at risk of tripping over a loose carpet or slipping on the wet floor. But, factory and construction workers are at far […]

HR and Start-Ups

HR and Start-Ups

How HR Can Help a Young Company Survive There are so many businesses that fail in their first year that many people are put off from starting a business at all. Those that do will require the full input and effort of everyone on board if they’re going to make it a success. As an […]

How to Design a Company Reward System

reward system

18% of employees are actively disengaged at work, according to a recent Gallup report. But what’s even worse than this is that a whopping 67% are not completely engaged, and this practically means that the majority of the global workforce is slacking off. The same report estimates that the cost of this kind of detrimental […]