Human Resource Nightmares – What to Look Out For

Human Resource Nightmares

Gone are the days of the human resources department being a big, bad, scary thing. These days, HR really is about supporting employees, the company, and the overall mission, vision, and values of where the business is headed. But sometimes, that support comes at a price. The job of a human resources professional is harder […]

Eight Creative Ways to Save Money for a Sabbatical


You can live the life of your dreams with clever planning methods. Most people think about going on sabbatical to explore the other side of their fantasies in life; but quite very wrongly, the majority of people think they do not have the financial power to foot the bills; how very wrong they were! You […]

How to Create a Workplace that Supports Mental Health

Mental Health

Creating an environment that supports mental health, going beyond what’s required by law, is not only the right thing to do, but it will also help your company in the long run. Here are 7 ways that will help you make it happen. Fight the Stigma In 1999, the Surgeon General of the United States […]

Workplace Collaboration and Customer-Focused Culture

customer-focused culture

For a customer-focused culture, make collaboration unavoidable We all want an organization that’s agile and has an established customer-focused culture. A workplace where all employees feel supported with a laser focus on improving the customer experience. Certainly, “it all starts at the top” so we should focus on investments in leadership development. Yet top heavy […]

HRchat Interview with Chris Bjorling: Crafting Talent Management Solutions and FuelHR Conference

Talent Management

In this episode of the HRchat show, we hear from Christopher Bjorling, President at Fidello, Inc. For 30+ years Chris has led Fidello in creating unique talent management solutions. Through the products and services he and his team have created over the years, his organization has helped clients design, develop, and implement strategic, integrated talent […]

Managing Outsourced Teams and Contractors: Learning from Your Mistakes

Outsourced Teams and Contractors

Staff outsourcing and working with contractors is at an all-time high. Some companies look for a workforce across the globe, and some prefer to stay local. Both, however, work virtually, with no need for a physical office. As numbers keep rising, many outsourcing trends are flooding the market. Outsourcing remains popular, but it is certainly […]

How to Prevent Knee Pain at Work

Knee Pain at Work

Aches and pains are often the main complaints we have when we come home from a long week at work. Unfortunately if we do not take care to ensure that we always maintain a good posture, or follow health and safety rules laid out by our employers, we place ourselves at risk of sustaining some […]

HRchat Podcast Interview: Connections Between Sport and Business with Tegan Cochrane

sports and business

In the latest episode of the HRchat show, Matt Burns interviews three-time Canadian cycling champion turned marketing consultant Tegan Cochrane about her experiences of the moving from athletics to business. Now a creative and marketing consultant, Tegan offers her take on work-life balance and how lessons from a sports career have shaped her approach to business success. Tegan combines formal […]