The Link Between Employee Engagement and Profitability

Engaged employees are a gift for any business that keeps on providing financial advantages quarter after quarter, and year after year. A company that has employees who are fully engaged and enjoy their jobs can outdo their competitors in many areas. Without committed employees, profit levels will consistently be lower than what is possible. Consider […]

Recruitment and Millennial Stereotypes

The Hiring Game and Overcoming Millennial Stereotypes You’ve read the headlines: Millennials Are Entitled, Millennials Are Job Hoppers, or the infamous Millennials Are Lazy. The common perception of millennials, those who are born from 1981-1996, is that they are not loyal or hard working employees. Their dependence on technological automation and instant gratification makes them […]

Recruitment and Why There’s No Such Thing as a Perfect Candidate

Every recruiting activity, from building a candidate pool to hiring, has two sides. The side of the employer/ the job and the side of the job seeker/candidate. Each of these sides consists of various elements. And every element has various attributes and variations, making each side unique at any given time. Job’s side The job […]