The Impact of AI on the Future of HR

“Digital Darwinism” – a term used for when society and technology are changing faster than companies can naturally adapt – is taking over, so right now organizations focus more on digital transformation. Nonetheless, there is much HR does not yet know about how AI can have an impact on their profession and daily lives.  As […]

How Hourly Workers Are Getting Paid Faster

Almost 60% of workers in the United States are paid at hourly rates and nearly 69% of  Americans would experience financial difficulty if their paychecks were delayed for a week. But what if tech could give hourly workers the flexibility to receive their pay sooner? This would allow them to circumvent high-interest payday loans just to make ends meet during these tough economic times. I recently get a chance to speak with Nico Simko, CEO and co-founder of social-impact fintech Clair, which is championing this revolution.

What Business Leaders Must Know to Return Employees to Work Safely in 2021

With vaccination schedules on the horizon, an increasing number of business leaders are making plans to bring employees back into the workplace to regain their vision of “normal.” Whether the new normal will be a true return to the way workflow proceeded in the past or part of an evolutionary step toward a new model, a variety of new considerations will need to take place. Following are five actions business leaders can take to protect and support their workforce.

WFH: How to Keep Employees Engaged and Connected

Almost one year ago, COVID-19 forced employers to adapt to full-time remote working. Overnight, the role of HR changed dramatically, and existing processes and technologies – faced with unforeseen new challenges – were put to the ultimate test. After the dust settled on this new way of working, delivering a digital-first, personalized employee experience immediately shot up HR’s agenda. Especially as businesses sought to keep their employees – many working remotely for the first time – engaged and connected.

How Contract Staffing Software Can Help Combat Business Seasonality

If you are a manager or owner who routinely brings in seasonal workers, then you may already be bracing for the marathon of late nights and cascades of spreadsheets. Fortunately, this year doesn’t need to be filled with dread. This year, instead of juggling emails, why don’t you give contract staffing software (CSS) a try? […]

How Outplacement Services Can Save Your Reputation – Even During Layoffs

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought a lot of changes, and one of them is a steep economic downturn that has seen many companies grapple with the need to downsize. Outplacement services can help. Offering your former employees outplacement assistance as part of severance can help them find new jobs faster, and that can save your reputation by keeping your former employees happy and keeping up morale among those who remain behind.