Best practices on finding a job through social media

Social Media has exploded as a tool for just about everything – reconnecting with long lost friends, learning about deals for products and services and seeking new employment opportunities. Companies are increasingly using social media to promote their job openings and find employees for their organizations.

This article will make recommendations on what actions you can take when using social media to look for new career opportunities.

Effective techniques for filling open positions

A major challenge for many companies is trying to find suitable candidates to fill open positions. There are many options available and there is no right or wrong answer as to which technique is best. Depending on the organization, one method may yield better results than another. Although there are many options available, this article discusses some of the more prevalent techniques used in today’s market.

The hidden job market: Tips, traps and tactics for job seekers

There is a high probability that many job seekers have heard the following phrase at some point during their search: ‘90% of jobs are not advertised’. However, based on current trends and an article by The Wall Street Journal (January 9, 2013), this number is estimated to be closer to 50%. Still, this would mean that half of all available positions are not advertised anywhere. This article gives some tips on how to tap into the hidden job market.