How to Stay Organized in Your Business

Organized business

Keeping Organized: Top Tips for Business Pros Organizing one’s business is important as it plays a key role in the general performance of the business. A business that is well organized is able to attract many customers and improve its income generation than a company which is less organized. Try using some of these techniques […]

A Guide to Career Planning

Self Employment

How to Plan Your Career Dreaming about a bright future and achieving it are two completely different concepts. You need to have a goal in life and work towards achieving it. When someone asks you “what do you want to do in life?”, the answer that comes to mind should be your goal. So you need […]

Creating Competitive Vacation Policies


How Small Businesses Can Craft Competitive Vacation Policies Summer is here, and that means many employees are taking time off of work to go on vacation. According to a recent survey, 95% of small businesses provide at least five vacation days, and nearly one-quarter offer 11 to 15 days of paid time off (PTO). Providing […]

Helping Your Remote Employees Feel Important

Remote Working

Remote Working and Employee Engagement Getting a remote team is exciting because it means that your company is growing and making progress. Having a remote team has so many benefits when implemented correctly. It can be hard for remote employees to feel like they are part of the company because they don’t actually come to […]

How Cloud Computing Changed the Workplace

Future of Work

The Cloud and a Changed Workplace There’s no question that cloud-based technology has transformed the way we work – from increased security to job flexibility and the opportunity to always be online, our work lives are almost unrecognizable to how they were even just a decade ago. But what are the specific things that cloud […]

Three Things to Look For When Hiring College Graduates

Hiring College Graduates

Hiring College Graduates Tips As graduation season comes and goes, a new class of young professionals has recently entered the job market. Research shows that in 2018, over 2,250,000 people received their first undergraduate degree, leaving today’s recruiters with a whole new group of potential employees to hire for entry-level jobs and groom for career […]

Why Generations Differ Over Perceptions of Office Technology

Office Technology

Generational Ideas of Office Technology Quality How you perceive the quality of technology in your office depends on your age, research suggests. A recent survey commissioned by power module manufacturer CMD found that young people are generally more pessimistic than their older colleagues when it comes to attitudes towards workplace tech. Around a fifth of […]