employee exercise

Employee Exercise Tips for HR and Leaders

Increased stressed, continually being plugged into technology, and long working hours has led to a need for fitness and well-being in the place of work.

The somewhat inactive lifestyle of little exercise and mostly work has taken its toll on the mental and physical wellness of many employees, and therefore affecting their longevity, productivity, creativity, overall health, and job satisfaction.

As an employer, you should consider to corporate wellness programs that will motivate your employees to look after their wellness and hit the gym. After all, it is a win-win situation. Below are a few tips to help you motivate your members of staff to be healthier.

employee exercise

1. In-Office Gym

Employers can make excellent strides in promoting employers exercise by bringing exercise to them. No doubt that time constraints are a big challenge facing staff – especially those who have out-of-work commitments and lengthy commutes.

Draft in a fitness professional to offer staff beneficial and brief workouts in between their demanding and busy schedules.

Besides, did you know that a midday adrenaline increase can prevent a person from hitting 3 p.m. wall of tiredness or even reaching for a caffeine hit? Bringing a gym into the office is an easy and perfect solution. It can work wonders for employee’s productivity, improving morale, and helping them to build rapport with one another.

2. Rewards and Incentives

Offering incentives and rewards to your members of staff is a great way to welcome a healthier lifestyle that can ultimately reduce healthcare costs for your company, health-related problems, and overall stress.

One of the best ways to provide incentives to your team members for incredible behavior or maybe reaching specific fitness and wellness goals is by offering them rewards. You can buy gym equipment to be used in the office or home, (kettlebells, dumbbells, medicine balls, resistance bands, and more), or buy a complete gym package for the member of staff who have stayed in line and consistent throughout the month or year.

3. Make It Fun

We all know that human beings are competitive by nature. However, in this case of getting your staff committed to working out is an entirely different thing. Healthy competition in the office will help boost employee participation and productivity. And for this reason, you need to get very creative and consider adding fun to your exercise program by offering incentives throughout the process or even providing a point system that has rewards attached.

For instance, your team members can record their initial weights and at the end of a specified timeline re-weigh and those who have lost much weight awarded. Also, you can include things such as healthiest eater, the staff member who hit the work-out area the most amount of times, BMI, and other great and fun categories that will not make any of them feel singled out.

4. Work-Out for Charity

You get your staff to represent your organization for many charity events; be it a fun run, sponsored marathons, or even walks. The whole work team can take part in the charity event and make it a joint effort to get some exercise and quality team-time.

But beyond the clear benefits of exercise for employees, charity events are perfect opportunities or gaps for your staff members to get to know each other. They will offer healthy competition in the walks or marathons and also motivate one another during that grueling hill climb.

5. Taking the Stairs and Forgetting the Elevator

With some minor lifestyle changes, your staff can make great health improvements. All it takes is some little encouragement.

For example, if each day, your staff took the stairs instead of the lift to the office. That is X steps added every day, twenty days a month. To enhance the stakes, you can promote a number of steps a day challenge’ by setting up a chart for employees to log their daily amount.

6. Get Out of the Workplace for a Lunchtime Walk

It is imperative for your staff to take each opportunity to get active – sitting all day in a chair can be tedious and bad.

The lunch hour is the best opportunity for all employees to take time out or breather. They can chat with one another, walk their lunch off, or even spend their time alone away from the workspace.

Your productivity should see define improvements – when they are actively taking steps, they are engendering a fresh mind state.

Motivating your team by making your fitness and wellness program easily accessible, rewarding, and fun, are the best ways of showing your staff how crucial is their well-being. Reduced stress and healthier lifestyles will greatly boost employee retention and productivity.

Additionally, having employee exercise programs such as fitness boot camps programs is also an incredible recruitment tool for any new prospective staff who already value fitness and health.