Engaging with Millennial Employees: Six Trends


With Baby Boomers (people born from 1946 to 1964) retiring at a quick pace, it is safe to say that Millennials (the generation born from 1980 to 1994) will be the majority of the workforce in the upcoming years. And with a generational shift, some changes are inevitable. Millennials’ needs are quite different. They are more prone […]

InnovateWork Coming to Vancouver Tonight!

InnovateWork Vancouver

Following several successful nights of sharing tools and tactics to improve workplace collaboration in Toronto, InnovateWork launches in Vancouver this evening. InnovateWork Vancouver will bring together HR, Talent, Tech, Marketing, Ops and C-level pros for an evening of learning and networking. Vancouverites will hear from awesome local speakers, discuss issues with a panel of experts […]

The Role of HR in Workplace Safety

Every workplace has its fair share of safety hazards. Even a seemingly completely safe and cozy office isn’t devoid of all kinds of potential dangers lurking in the background and putting unsuspecting employees at risk of tripping over a loose carpet or slipping on the wet floor. But, factory and construction workers are at far […]

How Agile HR Leaders Can Drive Cultural Change 

Goal Setting and Performance

Transitioning with an Agile Framework It is an exciting and challenging time to be working in HR. At no time since its founding as a professional discipline has it been more essential for HR practitioners to rethink the way we operate. Nor have we ever been better situated to meaningfully contribute to the success of […]

The Assessment Market is Splitting

What Does a Dividing Assessment Market Mean for Your Company? It’s not quite a full divorce, but the assessment market is splitting up. Driven by the emergence of new technologies, it is transforming into two separate markets, each of which addresses a very different question about individuals and their ability to succeed. Like most splits, it […]

Ten Employee Engagement Strategies

Employee Engagement

Leo Tolstoy famously said that ‘All happy families are the same, all unhappy families are different in their own way’. The same concept could be applied to all great companies. They all have one thing in common – highly engaged employees. An engaged workforce is an organization’s greatest asset, because when people feel a strong […]

Going Global: HR Tips For Technology Companies

Technology Companies

For many American companies, “internationalizing” often means opening their first non-domestic office, which will usually be in Europe given that region’s 550 million strong, lucrative market and high demand for products. Therefore, having a better handle on when and how to launch a European office is important for C-level executives, who can have a variety of good reasons for looking overseas.