
With Baby Boomers (people born from 1946 to 1964) retiring at a quick pace, it is safe to say that Millennials (the generation born from 1980 to 1994) will be the majority of the workforce in the upcoming years. And with a generational shift, some changes are inevitable. Millennials’ needs are quite different. They are more prone to using technology and working in an unconventional and relaxed environment. Thus, employers have to quickly adapt to those needs.

Here’s a list of 6 office trends that engage Millennial employees:

Keeping it casual

Most Millennials do not thrive in a formal business environment. Majority of them prefer dressing casually, coming to work at their desired time or bringing their family members to work. Allowing their employees to come to work when they feel the most productive is one of the biggest indicators of companies trying to keep it loose.

This often leads to a disagreement between Millennials and the older generations, who lean to a more rigid work environment.  Pet-friendly offices or in-office yoga classes are something inconceivable to Baby Boomers or Generation X.

Flexibility in the workplace

While having a desk job in an office and working 9 to 5 was maybe a dream goal for the older generations, it is simply not enough for the Millennials. They are becoming increasingly aware that standard 8-hour shifts at their desk could seriously hinder their work output. That’s why there’s a need for a more modern working environment which in turn inspires creativity and boosts morale. More and more employers choose to break up the monotony and design their offices accordingly. This means creating a more flexible workplace and allowing their employees to work from wherever they want. Sitting and standing desks, lounges, privacy nooks or cafeterias are all viable options for work.

Kitchens and cafes

Even though it might sound strange, the most popular spaces in a number of workplaces are cafes and kitchens. That’s where the social life of the company thrives. Cooking in the workplace has been one of the most interesting fads lately. Coffee has always been one of the main social components which bring people together. And since Millennials are one of the biggest coffee consumers today, it is important to adjust accordingly. Some of the things necessary in a company cafe or kitchen are an espresso machine, a capsule coffee machine, a microwave, a stove and lots of various dishes. Fully equipped kitchens and cafes are considered a standard in today’s job market.

Use of technology

One of the most positive aspects of Millennials is their inclination to technology. Since many of them were born in the internet era, and others were young children when the internet was introduced, they tend to except technological changes much faster. It is easier to introduce them to new workflows or to get them to gain a new set of skills. In the long run, this improves the company’s productivity or overall level of communication. And by being so technologically advanced they are able to solve problems creatively and offer constructive new ideas.

Remote working

Their attitude towards technology and work, in general, makes the Millennials more willing to work outside of their office space. Since they pick up new skills rather quickly, they are more capable of working in a non-controlled environment.

One of the main reasons Millennials choose to work from home is that they save time by eliminating commute. Another important factor is that by working from home, they have more time to spend with or near their families.

However, not all companies offer this option to their employees. Yet, more and more are leaning to a more flexible approach. By doing that, they are hoping to attract and hold on to quality workers.

All inclusive

It’s obvious that many companies today offer a lot of perks just to keep their employees satisfied. Ping Pong and pool tables, large screen TV’s and video game rooms are just some of the amenities available to Millennial workers. Some companies even hire chef’s cooking fresh meals to their employees, just to make them happy. Today, some of the best benefits offered to staff members are on-site child cares, fitness centers and pet sitting areas. However, while these things can make someone want to come to work there, it is not enough to make them content. Company culture and positivity in the workplace are the most important factors in making the perfect work environment.

Millennial workforce is slowly becoming the most dominant one. As with any other generation, they have their wants and needs. It is up to their employers to adapt to the given situation. Creating a friendly and positive environment which encourages creativity, and tailoring a workspace to their needs, will, in turn, produce satisfied and motivated employees.