Personal growth and career development: To grow or go?

Lack of opportunity for personal growth and career development is the No. 1 reason that employees leave a company. So what’s it like in your organization? Do your employees grow or go? According to a survey by Glassdoor and Harris Interactive, more applicants (52 percent) wanted to hear about growth opportunities when interviewing for a job […]

The Psychology Of Hiring: Liking Someone Doesn’t Predict A Good Hire

News flash: Hiring managers are human. Just like all people, they’re prone to misjudgment because of internal biases and being influenced by emotions and past experiences. Also, there is an innate human tendency to avoid mistakes instead of achieving success. And this is bad for hiring. Because of this hard-wiring, deep rooted in survival instincts […]

What Employees Really Think of Performance Evaluations

After the 1992 Barcelona Summer Olympics, researchers from Cornell University studied the facial expressions of the athletes who won gold, silver, and bronze medals. They analyzed footage of ceremonies and television interviews and found that gold medalists seemed the happiest. What a shock, right? But they also noticed something curious: The bronze medalists seemed much […]

Good Job Descriptions Make Good Hires (Part 1)

Most people view a job description as a list of duties that is hauled out of mothballs at the start of performance review season and used as a checklist for grading employee achievement against employer expectations.  Granted, a job description can serve that purpose.  Correctly drafted, however, a job description can be (as my son […]

Top 10 guidelines for social media background checks

A recent survey reported that nearly half of all employers conduct social media background checks on job candidates. This practice has included requiring candidates to disclose their usernames, passwords, and other credentials that provide access to their Facebook and Twitter accounts, blogs, e-mail, and other Internet content for the prospective employer’s review. Federal and state […]