Workplace Collaboration and Customer-Focused Culture

customer-focused culture

For a customer-focused culture, make collaboration unavoidable We all want an organization that’s agile and has an established customer-focused culture. A workplace where all employees feel supported with a laser focus on improving the customer experience. Certainly, “it all starts at the top” so we should focus on investments in leadership development. Yet top heavy […]

HR Compliance for Small Business

Why HR Compliance is Essential for SMBs Compliance isn’t sexy, but neither is getting caught with your pants down. Unless you’re into that sort of thing. Do you own and operate a small business? Are you looking for your plus one? Are you overwhelmed, anxious, scared, worried or losing sleep thinking about the do’s and […]

How HR Can Help Employees Get Disability Protection

Employees Need Disability Protection. Here’s How HR Can Help It’s common knowledge that benefits account for a significant portion of an employer’s spend on its workforce. In fact, benefits make up nearly one-third of an employer’s hourly compensation costs. In September 2018, average compensation costs totaled $36.63 per employee per hour with $11.60 of that […]

Personality Tests and Employee Selection: What Research Says?

Employee relationships

Personality Tests and Employee Selection: What Research Says? The use of personality data in classifying and measuring individuals on a set of personality characteristics & traits is playing key role in transforming Talent Acquisition. Many researchers share a common consensus on grouping the traits into five broad dimensions – conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, emotional stability, and […]

How to Encourage Recycling at Work

With every year that passes climate change becomes a greater concern. Everyone has started to do what they can both at home and at work. Knowing how to do the right thing can be difficult. Almost every single office and business has some kind of recycling scheme in place but there is always more that […]

Employee Development: An Emotional Investment

Learning leaps - Section of a Human Resources strategy diagram drawn on a used blackboard, on how to manage employees for success

The people of an organization collectively form its most vital resource and should be made to feel valued, relevant, and needed. Employees that are nurtured and developed can prove to be the foundation of an organization. Yet, if I’ve heard it once, I’ve heard it a thousand times from managers “all I want is for […]

Mentoring – Mental Imagery and Visualization


Our brains, when tasked with mental imagery and visualization, can create a powerful tool for us in a number of different facets. I have used this technique when working with hockey officials in order to enhance their on ice performance or to address some performance issues that they may have encountered. I have also used […]

HRchat Podcast Interview: Leadership, Embracing an Infinite Mindset and InnovateWork Toronto with Stephen Shedletzky

Stephen Shedletzky

In this HRchat episode, we hear from Stephen Shedletzky, Head of Brand Voice at Start With Why – Simon Sinek. Stephen talks with Bill Banham about his keynote session at InnovateWork Toronto which will consider concepts connected to Simon Sinek’s next book called The Infinite Game. About Stephen Shedletzky Stephen is Head of Brand Voice, Igniter […]