How to Master the Art of the Exit Interview

candidate experience

An exit interview is designed to give you a better understanding of your employee’s experience with your company and their reasons for quitting. It’s a chance for the employee to express their views and any concerns with honesty, which equals invaluable feedback for you.   You can use the information they share to help other employees be happier and perform […]

Three Things to Look For When Hiring College Graduates

Hiring College Graduates

Hiring College Graduates Tips As graduation season comes and goes, a new class of young professionals has recently entered the job market. Research shows that in 2018, over 2,250,000 people received their first undergraduate degree, leaving today’s recruiters with a whole new group of potential employees to hire for entry-level jobs and groom for career […]

Top 5 Motivators for Gen Z in the Workplace


Many people are still not used to the term Gen Z. The generational conversation has been focused primarily around Millennials for the past 5 years however now the time to look at the next generation. Gen Z, the group of individuals born between the years 1996 and 2010, is finally starting to enter the workforce […]

Essential Employee Recognition Program Best Practices

Top Employee Recognition Tips Competition for top talent is fierce, and your newly trained and highly skilled workers are constantly being poached by recruiters and other organizations. To cultivate a strong workplace culture and foster employee engagement, you need to recognize your employees’ contributions in a way that makes them feel genuinely appreciated. Why recognize? […]

Job vs Career: How Today’s Employees Are Different

Job and Career

Employers in today’s job market are struggling—not only to find top candidates in the hiring process, but to keep their best employees around. As companies continue to lose employees, they’re asking, “What have we done wrong?” To get to the bottom of this challenge, you might want to ask a slightly different question: What haven’t […]

Five Steps to Making Inclusion a Priority

Team Building Activities

Diversity and Inclusion Tips for HR inclusion a priority requires the active involvement and long-term commitment of all employees, from entry-level employees to C-suite executives. That’s because when someone who isn’t a top executive is handed the job of transforming the company’s culture toward greater inclusion, he or she will lack the power and authority that this […]

How to Leverage Gamified Assessments for Talent Acquisition


It’s sometimes tiring, maddening, and even wasting our efforts if we don’t find the right candidate for our organization. Of course, I’m talking about talent acquisition! The traditional approach has made many organizations replace their processes with gamified assessments. The growing interest in gamification stems from the desire to increase the levels of employee involvement […]

Five Pillars of Design Thinking for HR

How to Harness the Power of Design Thinking To Transform HR First and foremost, you may be asking yourself, “what exactly is design thinking?”. In essence, design thinking is a systematic, iterative and human-centered approach to developing user-friendly services, products, and solutions. From enhancing the end-to-end employee experience to transforming back-office HR processes, design thinking equips […]