HRchat Interview with Luca Rosetti: Why HR Can’t Survive the Next Generation without AI

Artificial Intelligence and HR

Artificial Intelligence and the Role of HR Performance improvement is the single largest spend that corporations have ($100bn yearly in the United States alone) and it is where the biggest part of HR internal budget is dedicated; to train, enhance productivity, nurture effective leadership models, retain key staff. Companies are spending this money hoping to […]

HRchat Interview with Matt Alder: The Importance of Storytelling in Employer Branding

Employer Branding

In episode 103 of the HRchat show, Matt Burns talks with Matt Alder, Edinburgh-based Talent Acquisition Innovation Consultant at MetaShift and Host of the Recruiting Future Podcast. Matt is also an experienced speaker who has delivered keynotes in 16 different countries, and author of two books – “Exceptional Talent” in 2017 and “Digital Talent”  in 2019. Listen […]

HRchat Interview with Erica Pearson: Helping Employees Achieve their Dream Vacations

Dream Vacations

In this episode of the HRchat show, Bill Banham talks with Erica Pearson, CEO & Co-Founder at Vacation Fund about Vacation Fund’s involvement at the FuelHR conference and how her company’s solutions are helping employees achieve their dream vacations. Vacation Fund is the first employer-matched saving tool, specifically for your travel goals. It allows users […]