How Political Expression Policies Support Your Company’s HR

Political Expression Policies

Political expression among co-workers can cause tension and create significant discord in the workplace. Yet, less than 10% of employees say that political expression in the workplace has caused discomfort within the last week or that they’ve felt singled out or discriminated against as a result of political discussions at work, according to a recent […]

Ten Recruiting Blogs for SMBs You Must Read

tech recruitment

Do you have a small business? If yes, how do you ensure you are adopting the best practices to enhance your recruitment process? Blogs are the best way to explore what is trending in the market. We are compiling the best blogs in this article which you can bookmark. 5 Strategies Every Small Business Can […]

Preparing For Stressful Silicon Valley Job Interviews

Silicon Valley Job Interviews

For most recent college graduates the technology sector is an attractive career. Silicon Valley seems like a really exciting place. Innovation is happening on a regular basis. Some of the companies those graduates might use every day came from there. The compensation seems really high. And the growth opportunities bountiful. And while all of these […]

Eight Creative Ways to Save Money for a Sabbatical


You can live the life of your dreams with clever planning methods. Most people think about going on sabbatical to explore the other side of their fantasies in life; but quite very wrongly, the majority of people think they do not have the financial power to foot the bills; how very wrong they were! You […]

HRchat Interview with Matt Alder: The Importance of Storytelling in Employer Branding

Employer Branding

In episode 103 of the HRchat show, Matt Burns talks with Matt Alder, Edinburgh-based Talent Acquisition Innovation Consultant at MetaShift and Host of the Recruiting Future Podcast. Matt is also an experienced speaker who has delivered keynotes in 16 different countries, and author of two books – “Exceptional Talent” in 2017 and “Digital Talent”  in 2019. Listen […]

Five Steps to Making Inclusion a Priority

Team Building Activities

Diversity and Inclusion Tips for HR inclusion a priority requires the active involvement and long-term commitment of all employees, from entry-level employees to C-suite executives. That’s because when someone who isn’t a top executive is handed the job of transforming the company’s culture toward greater inclusion, he or she will lack the power and authority that this […]

The Benefits of Bringing Your Pets to Work

Pets at Work

Lots of people around the world own pets. In many cases, pets tend to be dogs or cats. If you are a pet owner, there is a probability that your schedule involves you waking up in the morning, going through your normal morning routines, and then leaving for work. Your beloved companion gets to remain […]