Feedback and Development Planning: The Data

people data

Our guest in episode 4 joined Protective Life to help them build data-driven capabilities in their HR dept and take their performance to new levels. Matthew Hamilton is Head of HR Strategy and People Analytics at ProtectiveLife. 

Steps to Take to Address Workplace Injuries

Workplace Injury

Workers’ compensation laws vary widely per state, but most states grant employees the right to file an injury claim. If you disagree with the way your employer handled your reports, you also have the right to be represented by a lawyer. If you’re from Victorville and you’ve been injured at work, you could use solid legal counsel from a compensation attorney.  Here are the steps you can take in addressing on-the-job injuries.

DEI in the Workplace as Change Management

Cultural Diversity

HR can treat the challenge of reducing biases against minorities in organizational behavior as a change issue, applying the approach and tools of change management to improve the employee experience in this regard.

The Evolving Job Profile with Serge Boudreau

job profiles

When used in the right ways, the job profile is another handy tool in the HR toolbox. Job profiles can provide a good explanation of the components of a job and what you are seeking in an employee when they are posted with your job openings on your recruiting website. In this conversation, Bill Banham and I focus on how we can use job profiles in ways that recognize the changes brought on by a post-pandemic approach to employment.

HRchat Interview with Rafael Rivera: The State of HR

HR Tech Tools

In this episode, we get an HR association leader’s take on the needs and experiences of HR pros. Hear too, about what a return to the office means for the HR department’s workload. The guest in #306 is Rafael Rivera, CEO at the Professionals In Human Resources Association (PIHRA) – an affiliate of SHRM with 5000+ members.