Harnessing the power of inclusive shortlisting

You’ve advertised your position, received upwards of 100 applications – how do you screen the candidates to bring in the best ones for an interview. What we know, based on “eye tracking” research undertaken last year, is that on average, recruiters spend six seconds looking at each resume to make an initial judgement. That’s right, […]

Work-family balance still at odds

Summer makes everything better. Personally, I just can’t be depressed about anything for too long and possibilities seem endless — ideas on how to drum up more work, how to be more efficient, how to begin the new school year with a renew attitude and more energy.

11 Marketing tips for reviving your business

Has your business lost it’s lustre? Is it sluggish? Don’t worry, there are ways to bring it back to life. If you think this stuff is outside the world of HR, you should think again! BizTV’s marketing guru Eric Gilboord offers 11 tips tactics that you should ask your Marketing team to consider to bolster […]

Considering the advantages of HR software

The use of HR Technology is an ever hotter topic. The area of HR Technology has evolved and grown over the years to meet the needs of companies and their business objectives – it increases efficiencies by automating tasks that would otherwise require administrative support.