The use of HR Technology is an ever hotter topic. The area of HR Technology has evolved and grown over the years to meet the needs of companies and their business objectives – it increases efficiencies by automating tasks that would otherwise require administrative support. The evolution of HR technology has made data collection and communication with employees easier and faster than ever. Companies are retiring their HRIS and switching to Cloud-based systems that are paperless, hassle free and easy to administer and maintain.

Why the switch from traditional based HRIS to Cloud-based SaaS models?

Flexibility, Ease of Use and Reduced Administration Cloud-based, SaaS models are becoming increasingly popular for companies and their HR Departments due to their low maintenance nature.

Cloud-based systems do not require regular software updates like traditional HRIS require. More often than not, the vendor that provides the web-based software includes free updates on an on-going basis that require no action on the system administrator’s end. In other words, there are no overhead IT costs associated with having an online HR system.



A Growing Market

The market for HR software is relatively young, and has plenty of room for growth. What this means for companies and HR is that there are always new categories of HR software that will enter the market to meet a variety of business needs. HR no longer is limited purchasing off the shelf type software that is limited in terms of its features, functionalities and analytics. Now companies have limitless options, which are dynamic, multifaceted and designed to meet core business needs outside of traditional business objectives. Web based solutions are highly results driven and have strong statistical reporting functions to support this.

Data Storage and Security

Another advantage of having a Cloud-based HR system is the long-term storage and security of your data. No longer must you hide away your sensitive data in filing cabinets under lock and key. The long term storage and security of preserving your data is taken care of by third party data centers. This in turn means that there is a reduced liability for HR in terms of storage and security of personnel data as it is stored off site, in remote and highly secured and trusted data centers.


Finally, Cloud-based HRIS solutions promote mobility, as they are online, and can be used anywhere that there is an Internet connection. These modern solutions more often than not are supported by a mobile application and can be used anywhere you go on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablet devices.

If this has sparked your interest in learning more about rapidly growing industry of high-technology in the HR space, I highly encourage you to do some research on what systems are currently on the market, and which one best suits the needs of your business and HR needs.


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