Recruitment and Millennial Stereotypes

Millennial Stereotypes

The Hiring Game and Overcoming Millennial Stereotypes You’ve read the headlines: Millennials Are Entitled, Millennials Are Job Hoppers, or the infamous Millennials Are Lazy. The common perception of millennials, those who are born from 1981-1996, is that they are not loyal or hard working employees. Their dependence on technological automation and instant gratification makes them […]

Creating a Festive Environment For Employees

Motivated Employees

Motivated Employees: Get that Festive Feeling with Fun Seasonal Decorations Motivated employees are likely to do a better job. Employees who feel happy and appreciated are also employees who are more likely to stay with a company long term. Retaining employees means reduced employee turnover and decreases labor costs. One of the ways to keep employees […]

HRchat Podcast Interview: Engaging and Training Front Line Professionals with Nicholas Crowe, CPSA

HR and presenting

In the latest episode of the HRchat show, Bill Banham talks with Nicholas Crowe, Director Professional Development at the Canadian Professional Sales Association. Listen as we talk about Nick’s role at CPSA and how the association is helping to revolutionize front line professions. Nick is a self-described education, training, and project management junkie. He’s passionate about building and refining education products […]

How to Create Fairer Severance Packages

Five Steps to Help Small Businesses Create Fair Severance Packages “ I don’t know what else to do. There is no way we can keep that department open and still stay afloat. We’re going to have to dissolve that part of the company if we want to stay in business. I hate breaking the news […]

Micromanagement and Mental Health


The Effects of Micromanagement on Employees’ Mental Health Micromanagement is a common leadership style whereby a manager closely observes and controls the work of employees. The movie Office Space (1999) brilliantly encapsulates this management style. The dreaded boss, Bill Lumbergh (played by Gary Cole), constantly pesters Peter Gibbons (played by Ron Livingston) about his work, […]