Four Top-Rated Internal Wiki Solutions to Improve Company Processes

Improve Company Processes

Tech to Help Improve Company Processes Access to information is a major need that companies are always looking to fill. Employees always seek to find accurate company data to help them do their jobs well and provide the solutions that customers need. Years ago, this type of information was stored in paper documents and disjointed […]

The Impact of AI on the Future of HR

Artificial Intelligence and HR

“Digital Darwinism” – a term used for when society and technology are changing faster than companies can naturally adapt – is taking over, so right now organizations focus more on digital transformation. Nonetheless, there is much HR does not yet know about how AI can have an impact on their profession and daily lives.  As […]

How Hourly Workers Are Getting Paid Faster

hourly workers

Almost 60% of workers in the United States are paid at hourly rates and nearly 69% of  Americans would experience financial difficulty if their paychecks were delayed for a week. But what if tech could give hourly workers the flexibility to receive their pay sooner? This would allow them to circumvent high-interest payday loans just to make ends meet during these tough economic times. I recently get a chance to speak with Nico Simko, CEO and co-founder of social-impact fintech Clair, which is championing this revolution.

HR Passion Talk: Why Consider Upskilling

Van Le, Upskilling Employees

Future-Proofing Your HR Department with Data Skills Data is integral to HR. In fact, data analytics is often cited as one of the fastest-growing in-demand skills within HR. In October 2020 Van Le, Director of HR at Lighthouse Labs presented an InnovateWork Passion Talk called Why Consider Upskilling. In the presentation, Van gets into the […]