Quantifying Your Company’s Emotional Culture

Managers tend to view emotions as something “soft” that can’t really be measured.  But you can — and should — track emotions quantitatively, the same way you’d track employees’ other attitudes and behaviors: through surveys. There’s a key difference in approach, however. In a survey we’ve used in many organizational settings, people don’t tell us how they feel. Rather, […]

Introverts and Extroverts: Different Management Styles

As the boss, your goal is to have all your employees operating at their peak level of energy, efficiency, and motivation—which can be a challenge when it comes to leading a team comprised of introverts and extroverts. How do you manage these contrasting personalities and work preferences? How do you draw out your introverts and get […]

The importance of developing soft skills in millennials

A recent study by the Educational Testing Service (ETS) found that U.S. Millennials lag behind their global counterparts in a way that creates real on-the-job problems for them, their colleagues and teammates, and managers: They show a genuine lack of hard and soft skills. According to the ETS Report, U.S. Millennials “…consistently score below many of […]

New Rewards Program Set To Rock Employee Recognition

Payback Incentives™, an online employee recognition and sales incentive program originally introduced in 2006, is being re-launched as a do-it-yourself e-gift recognition system that any company can afford to use. Utilizing the 10 years of experience running programs for companies such as Delta Airlines, Volvo Construction Equipment, Leica Geosystems, Neenah Paper and many more, Payback […]

7 Work-Life Balance Tips That Will Change Your Life

Work-life balance. Sounds simple enough, right? Whether you’re a student, manager or entrepreneur – or parent or executive –finding the ideal balance between work and lifestyle is something we’re all constantly striving to achieve. For many of us, however, achieving a work-life balance is the equivalent of walking the tightrope: with constant demands from both family and […]

How Companies Are Raising the Bar on Workplace Wellness (Infographic)

The thought of adding an employee-sponsored health program (and increasing company costs) may cause some employers to break out in a sweat. But jumping on the corporate wellness bandwagon has more benefits than just producing fitter employees. According to research published in the Harvard Business Review, employees who think their companies treat them well are more more likely to be innovative […]