Carole Spiers: Managing stress at the top

‘No one forced you to accept the job of a CEO!’ is a cry from the wife of the senior executive of a multi-national pharmaceutical company. ‘You are never home on time and your mind always seems to be somewhere else!’. So why does someone choose to take on the full responsibility of a company? Is it […]

“Workplace Violence” in a Globalized World

This is the second in a series of segments which together comprise a larger paper presented at the  Ninth World Conference on Injury Prevention & Safety Promotion, Merida, Mexico, focusing on workplace violence from a “global” perspective. In its entirety, this paper examines the contributing factors of workplace abuse which plague both developed and developing nations. Research in “Workplace Violence” is in its infancy. In some […]

Smile! Team performance is fun

Recognizing team performance Recognition comes in many forms.  It can be a specific “thank you” for something that has been well done or it can be a leader showing sincere interest in their team members as individuals. Whatever form the recognition takes, the objective is to ensure that your team members feel good about themselves […]

What’s the deal with Myers Briggs?

Did you know that the fundamentals of how we think are usually fixed by the time we are 3 or 4 years old although the brain continues to allow some plasticity until adolescence ? Myers Briggs—The Psychological Scales By the time we reach the age of 12 or 13, our adult learning begins to overlay our […]

SocicalHRCamp Toronto: Free guest pass

SocialHRCamp is back in town! Established in 2012 as the first-ever global HR Unconference, November’s #SHRC14 will focus on bridging the business case of social media and new technologies. With a vision to inspire HR leaders and organizations to take the next step with social media, the Camp provides the opportunity for participants to design […]