employee motivation

Working with a coherent and diligent team means nothing if they lack creativity. The recipe for any job well-done involves a spoonful of hard work, a pinch of teamwork and a dash of creativity. If you’ve noticed your team is lacking inspiration and could use some help getting the creative juices going, perhaps it’s time to do something that will enhance its creativity.

team creativity

1. Provide adequate resources

In order for a group of people to work well together, they need to have adequate resources. Fill the conference room with colourful office supplies and introduce quirky details.

All of this is bound to inspire your team more than a room full of drab chairs and whiteboards. You can also stock the place with journals and books relevant to the business to give your team more material.

2. Have as much diversity as possible

Heterogeneous groups are proven to work best together. Lots of different people with different backgrounds, interests, thoughts, work methods and ideas – put them all in a room together and watch the magic happen.

Make sure that all team members have something in common though, otherwise you risk having a team that can’t agree on anything. 

3. Encourage some competition

When people compete against each other, they’re bound to come up with the most creative solutions just to beat the other people.  A little competition never killed anybody and it can actually be the most beneficial thing you can do for your team.

Just be sure not to overdo it and create a negative environment as this will just worsen the situation. A little nudge here and there will suffice and help to boost their creativity.

4. Say no to hierarchy

When people feel like they have to answer to someone, they unconsciously suppress all of the creative ideas inside them. They start believing their opinion doesn’t matter and quickly feel inadequate to participate in the conversation.

Make each person feel heard and appreciated by giving equal roles to all team members and feel the creative energy flowing and creativity enhancing.

5. Solve relationship issues

Human relationships are complicated and often the cause of what’s putting a damper on your team’s creativity. To get on with work, try to solve disputes immediately. Make your team see the next project as an opportunity to start fresh with someone.

More often than not, people end up working even better with those they used to dislike because they realize how deep the person actually is.

6. Develop new skills

Sometimes it’s not the question of refining knowledge your team already possesses. It’s about developing new skills and teaching them to look at life in a new way. Thinking outside of the box is bound to inspire your employees as well as break their patterns.

One way to do this is to opt for photography courses. This activity makes people look at the details of life and helps them perceive it on a deeper level. Most importantly, though, it boosts their creativity. Picture taking is an art form, and many photography companies are experts in that, including Australian Centre For Photography.


7. Encourage collaboration

Instead of just working online or making each person responsible for a part of a project, encourage collaboration. This way you’ll create a busy and exciting environment which is perfect for boosting creativity.

One idea bounces off the other and soon the whole team is brainstorming how to nail their next big project.


As you can see, it doesn’t have to be that hard to enhance your team’s creativity, they only need a little push to do the best they can. It’s your responsibility to give them the push and ensure everything is running like a well-oiled machine. With these steps, you’ll be unstoppable in your mission to succeed.