Culture in the police force, from top to bottom, has once again made its way into the spotlight.
Recent revelations have accused police officers of mishandling body-worn video in over 150 incidents, including switching off cameras and sharing footage on WhatsApp. Meanwhile, more than 100 officers have voluntarily surrendered their permits to carry firearms on duty following a colleague’s shocking charge for the murder of the unarmed Chris Kaba.
The gravity of the situation has even led to discussions about the possibility of putting the UK army on standby.
In this episode, we talk about the perceptions and realities of the culture within the UK police force, as well as explore strategies for leading with greater emotional awareness.
Joining me for HRchat number 630 is Kul Mahay, Founder and CEO of Ignite Your Inner Potential and former Chief Superintendent of the Derbyshire Constabulary. Kul passionately advocates for the creation of ‘human-centered cultures’. Tune in as Kul argues for leaders to prioritize people-first strategies in order to prevent toxic individuals from contaminating the very fabric of an organization.
Listen as Kul discusses:
- Disrupt Birmingham – his session and some of the hoped-for learning outcomes
- The most important leadership skill set right now
- What needs to change in the police force to counter the toxic culture we’re hearing about in the UK news?
- Transparency and police body cameras
More about Kul Mahay
Kul served for 32 years in the UK police service, of which two-thirds were spent at the leadership level. In his life as a police leader, he oversaw complex and varied departments and commanded critical and major operational scenarios.
He is regularly called upon to comment on issues around organizational culture and embedding emotional intelligence into organizational practices. Kul has been coaching leaders for over 20 years and works with a global client base. Using his deep knowledge of Emotional Intelligence, Kul has worked with police forces, universities, fire services, and the oil industry in the UK, UAE, Qatar, India, and Ukraine to help develop empowered cultures. His passion for leadership is evident in everything that he does. His personal coaching client base has spanned the globe.
DisruptHR Birmingham
Kul is also a speaker at the inaugural DisruptHR Birmingham summit happening on October 19.
The inaugural DisruptHR Birmingham summit is an information exchange designed to energise, inform and empower executives, business leaders and people in HR.
Folks will come together at Halton Turner Brewery on October 19 for an evening of inspiring speakers and networking.
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