Take a break

Join Tim Baker and the team at 12:30-1:30 ET on Tuesday, July 19th, for the next #HRchat on Twitter to discuss vacation time

“We work to live and not the other way around. Let’s face it, if we didn’t have to work (to make money) we wouldn’t. Vacation time, or any time off work for that matter, is very important to the overall well-being of the people in your organization. It should never be considered a privilege, but rather a necessity. And there should NEVER be any strings attached.” – Tim Baker

Join us to discuss how we can ensure vacation time is valued in the workplace.

Question preview:

Q1 What are the positive messages we need to provide around vacation time?
Q2 How can we encourage our staff to make better use of their vacation time?
Q3 How can leaders serve as role models for using vacation time?
Q4 What do you do about employees who never take vacations?
Q5 Are there any pitfalls that surround employee vacations?
Q6 Does unlimited vacation time help or hinder employees?