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In HRchat 158, we hear from Mark Stelzner, Founder/Managing Principal at IA.  Mark is a highly sought after voice in the industry and has been featured by the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, Forbes, CNN and NPR, among others.

Listen to the interview with Mark Stelzner here.

As Founder and Managing Principal of IA, Mark champions complex HR transformational initiatives; proving the business case, finding best fit providers, and supporting businesses through key steps in the transformational life-cycle.

Mark spoke at the recent HR Innovation and Future of Work Global Online Conference and Workshop from Hacking HR in early March 2020. He addressed the topic of  ‘Creating the business case for HR transformation’.

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More About Mark Stelzner

With over 25 years of HR transformation experience, Mark has worked for organizations of every size and vertical. He has spent his career fostering relationships through attention to detail, natural curiosity and a self-deprecating sense of humor. Mark’s superpower is distilling large amounts of information into the key points that matter. By offering unbiased and candid advice to C-level leaders in nearly all geographies and vertical market segments, Mark has brought over $3.5 billion worth of value to his clients and employers.

Prior to IA, Mark co-founded and served as executive vice president of market and business development for EquaTerra Public Sector (now KPMG), a leading sourcing advisory and consulting firm. Previously, Mark was Senior Director of Global Alliances and Channel Management for Convergys Employee Care. Mark also successfully co-founded a workforce effectiveness firm, whose platform was applied to Department of Energy labs, federal contractors, and strategic Department of Defense assets.