contract staffing software

If you are a manager or owner who routinely brings in seasonal workers, then you may already be bracing for the marathon of late nights and cascades of spreadsheets. Fortunately, this year doesn’t need to be filled with dread.

This year, instead of juggling emails, why don’t you give contract staffing software (CSS) a try? It has several features that will make hiring quicker and easier. And, who knows, you might even come to like the holidays.

Multi-task posting and measurement

Even in times of economic uncertainty, one or two postings may not bring a stampede of qualified candidates to your door. Why? It is too hard to be heard above the din. 

The International Association of Employment Web Sites estimates that there are approximately 40,000 employment sites worldwide. That does not account for the private sites that companies create for themselves.

Not to mention, the utilization of huge social media platforms, such as Facebook and LinkedIn, may well attract some of your finest candidates. CSS allows you to post across several platforms with a single interface. It also enables you to track reactions so that you can see which sites are the most helpful.

Enjoy site data integration

You might receive applications across many different platforms. Sometimes, so much variation can make the analysis and comparison of applicants tedious and time-consuming.

A good staffing software will restructure these various returns into a single format for quicker perusal and more fluid decision-making.

Manage candidates efficiently

Often, seasonal hiring means managing new candidates who are difficult to differentiate because their applications tend to pile all at once. On one hand, you must act fast because you and your competitors want the same people. Because seasonal hiring tends to happen so rapidly, many of your prospects must make quick decisions.

On the other hand, bouncing back and forth between personnel files, emails, and other data can really slow down and confuse your assessment process. A CSS dashboard can expedite and organize all of your data and communications so that they can be assessed from one centralized location. Candidates may well appreciate this sense of organization, and it may entice them to sign with you.

Additionally, if there are any pressing issues that have not been addressed, a CSS dashboard will notify both your candidates and you so they are not overlooked.

Take the updates with you

If you are managing a lodge, you may be out on the slope when an investor asks how many ski instructors you have and what their qualifications are. Contract staffing software is an instant resource that shows you are on top of your game and allows you to handle situations on the spot instead of piling them on your to-do list.

Smooth the onboarding process

Once a new person is hired, contract staffing software can mitigate the paperwork jungle by automating tax info, sharing work schedules, and forwarding training videos whether this is for five or 500 employees.

It also gets your new employees on the job quickly, which starts your season off smoothly and gives them a great first impression of your company. It can even issue exit surveys and organize responses so that next year’s process can be made much smoother. 

This hiring season, give a CSS program a try. Make sure to read Paycom reviews and reviews of other similar software so you’ll know which one suits your business needs. It may seem like a large cost upfront but, in time, it will prove to be a worthy investment.

Authored by Kim Hutchinson

Kim Hutchinson is a full-time blogger who loves to publish business-related content on her website. Kim also submits guest posts to other websites to educate more readers about business.



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