HR and leadership

Hiring a new employee when you do not have a large team needs a lot of focus and planning. You can certainly not afford to make mistakes if you are the owner of a small business. When you have a small organization, everyone you hire has an impact on your operations.

However, with all the different responsibilities that generally come with HR, you may fear that you will not have enough time to hire for the position – or worse; it will lead you to choose the wrong candidate for your organization.

Can I show you the common hiring mistakes recruiters do?

Would you like to see which mistakes you should avoid while recruiting?

It will help you to refine the search for hiring new employees.

1. Poor Job Description:

A poorly written job description will attract unqualified and unskilled applicants. The primary purpose of writing a job description is to attract the talent pool that meets the qualification for the job. A well-designed job description is the right solution to sell your post to the right applicant. After writing the job description, the recruiter must review it before going online. Pay attention to the following tips and draft a good job description.

Are you adding relevant and complete information?

Have you used simple language to describe the position?

Finding answers to these questions will help you in making a difference between a good and a bad copy.

2. Unorganized Recruitment Process:

Any unsystematized process will create unwanted hassles and delays. So, to remove these hassles from your recruitment process, the second step is to set a standard for your recruitment process, even if you are hiring for a few employees. You must plan how to start it and end well-otherwise you could find yourself rushing through the process and making the wrong hires. Focusing on the development and aiming towards the hiring of quality candidates will call for AI tools here. AI tool such as no coding resume parser is free from coding and requires no technical knowledge. With this user-friendly interface, you can quickly screen out the candidate who is fit for the openings. You can track your progress, and it will also give you the best foot forward to hire the best candidates.

3. Passive Recruitment:

Rather than depending on the job seekers to find you, you should proactively find them. Active recruitment is one of the steps you can take towards avoiding the wrong hire. We can start it by identifying where the ideal candidates spend their time whether on professional conferences, online groups, etc. Collect information of candidates from these sources and save them in your pocket for future reference. When there will be an opening for a relevant post, you can quickly reach them out.

4. Not Conducting DBS/ Background Checks

Assuming everything in a candidate’s CV is correct could be a huge mistake and put a small business in a really difficult situation. Do your due diligence and carry out a DBS check and also, credit history and right to work check to make sure you know everything you need for the candidate.

5. No Training for Employees

Small businesses ignore the training aspect. Providing training to employees will enhance their skills. The result is an increase in productivity and better business. You will agree that a company which invests in its employees invests in itself. Training should have an important role to play in the onboarding process of employees. If you wish to see your employees as an asset to the company, make training mandatory for them.

Don’t you feel that by avoiding these hiring mistakes, and by implementing these solutions in your recruiting process, you will take a step forward towards hiring the right candidate? Building a talent pool with these tips will increase your productivity and will be beneficial for a long-term relationship.  


This post was updated in March 2021.