Thought Leadership

The Role of Thought Leadership for Consulting Firms

This goes for everyone in the knowledge industry – thought leadership is crucial. Consultants, irrespective of their niche vouch by the years of knowledge they gather. The very induction into the system focusses on the knowledge game. Financial analysis, technology, talent acquisition or business development – they need a pool of knowledge to even get on with a single day. The model has two basic elements:

  • Knowledge economy
  • Business to Business model

Weaving the concept of thought leadership into the fabric of marketing efforts may feel a daunting task. However, when you plan things down to projects or tasks, implementation does not look like an impossible feat. When it breaks down to start-ups or boutique organizations, thought leadership is almost absent. So, what happens to the brand building and targeting new markets? Going all out for flashy promotional campaigns does not fit the bill here.

Thought Leadership

When you are catering B2B, the marketing should not be brand name plastered all over in different colors. Create content that adds value. How to do it? Start by selecting your niche. Engage the C-suite in the task. Take the help of leading consulting firms who can be your best PR bet. They know all the markings of the perfect CXO’s and can help you with the thought leadership exercise.

The target is no different from the usual. It is increased traffic, but you are not FMCG or manufacturing OEMs. The branding exercise should define the knowledge economy you are banking on. If you look around even the traditional companies are going for branding content that adds value and has a very subtle representation of the brand. Adding value is the key in implementing a successful thought leadership campaign. Select your niche that defines your brand the most.

If you ask what makes a good thought leadership branding, then the answer lies in whitepapers, surveys and reports. Go for Leadership consulting partners that can design the model for you. Make the surveys bank on reliable sources. So, taking outside help is never a bad thing. The whitepapers should be all quality. The urge to go full blast on quantity is no less tempting. But, know the leadership that will deliver these whitepapers and reports. See the current trend and innovate. Look for topics that have no clear answer; yes, the road is not easy on research material. Time these pieces well to get the best branding edge. Create an entity that is not about your brand, it should not feature your name, but showcase the knowledge factor.

The motive of thought leadership is to create a positive brand image in the minds of the target client base. It catapults your brand as the subject matter expert in this field. This is knowledge economy and there is no alternative to a positive brand image of a niche name. Boasting brand name adds no value to your clients, but addressing issues in their field creates a brand recall and the next time you meet them, they know that you know your business and are one sure fellow.