The HR Gazette has exclusively caught up with Greg Pantelic, Co-Founder at WIRL ( one of the sponsors at SocialHRCamp Toronto 2014, to get his insights on the upcoming event. Greg is the Co-Founder of WIRL, a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) company that empowers employees and their organizations through continuous feedback. He is a strategist, mentor and […]
Finding and hiring experienced employees
Some estimates indicate that Baby Boomers (born between 1946 and 1964) currently account for as much as 46 percent of the Canadian workforce. In addition, according to Statistics Canada, it is likely that one out of every four people in the labour force will be 55 years or over by 2021 (see With an aging […]
Jack Hobson: How important is social media in the recruitment industry?
Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn are expanding at unparalleled rates, therefore it becomes ever more imperative for employers to keep up. Those that have been slow to adapt their recruitment system to encompass the social media surge are in danger of losing the best candidates to their more forward thinking rivals. Mobile […]
Why recruiters should use HR technology
Hiring the best talent for your company’s open positions should never feel like a gamble. Yet all too often, recruiters feel like they’re just rolling the dice, hoping to discover the ideal candidate.
Choosing the right incentives
The fact is incentives work – and basically any of those options will help you reward behavior. But let’s think about some of the pluses and minuses of each of those and see how they match up with your particular goals. And we’ll even add in one more that award providers will never mention as an option: your own company-sponsored awards.
Hiring ahead of time
Startup companies are no different than mature companies – their success is contingent on finding good talent. When a startup company is ready to hire, they usually need the new resources on an ASAP basis, but it is critical that they do not compromise on the quality of talent they hire, as the adverse […]
Effective techniques for filling open positions
A major challenge for many companies is trying to find suitable candidates to fill open positions. There are many options available and there is no right or wrong answer as to which technique is best. Depending on the organization, one method may yield better results than another. Although there are many options available, this article discusses some of the more prevalent techniques used in today’s market.