How to respond to an inappropriate request for acess to personal social media

The Employer’s Issue: “You can’t ask that.” Fourteen states have passed legislation that “prohibits an employer from requesting or requiring an employee or applicant to disclose a user name or password for a personal social media account.” Employment lawyers and social media consultants have spent the last year hammering home the message, “You can’t ask […]

The employee lifecycle

The employee life cycle continues to shorten with each generation. The current expected tenure for junior roles is 18 months to 3 years. For intermediate roles the average tenure is 3-5 years, and for VP or C-Level executives the average tenure is only 3 years. It is important for job seekers and hiring managers to […]

Are HR specialists obsolete?

More and more there is talk of the HR business partner and HR generalist functions when it comes to all things HR. These functions are HR’s way of aligning with the C-suite or, as most say, getting a “seat at the table.” To have the HR business partner or HR generalist in your organization says you are being “strategic.” In any event, both of these roles are handling everything from succession planning to recruitment plans, depending on the organizations’ structure.

8 Steps To A Corporate Culture Of Excellence

Professional pride and ambition drive the best professionals to achieve. Most employees want to be a part of a compelling future, want to know what is most important at work and what excellence looks like in the eyes of management. For targets to be meaningful and effective in motivating employees, they should be connected to […]

Developing Internal Candidates

Promoting internal candidates to fill open positions has big advantages. Internal candidates are already familiar with how your company works, and having a regular practice of promoting employees means you increase the chance that your best employees will stick around. In order to ensure that your current employees are qualified to fill your openings, it […]

Launch a Corporate Wellness Program with Creative Low Cost Ideas

Everyone’s talking about improving the health and wellness of their employees. Sure, it makes sense from the standpoint of producing greater engagement and reducing the costs of healthcare premiums through preventative wellness support. Corporate Wellness is Worth the Investment As of 2015, the RAND Corporation reports that an estimated $6 billion is spent per year […]