A recent study by the Educational Testing Service (ETS) found that U.S. Millennials lag behind their global counterparts in a way that creates real on-the-job problems for them, their colleagues and teammates, and managers: They show a genuine lack of hard and soft skills. According to the ETS Report, U.S. Millennials “…consistently score below many of […]
Accreditation: due diligence or straitjacket?
However, it is hard to achieve excellence if a good chunk of the workforce is systematically excluded from consideration on the basis of non-credentialing.
7 Work-Life Balance Tips That Will Change Your Life
Work-life balance. Sounds simple enough, right? Whether you’re a student, manager or entrepreneur – or parent or executive –finding the ideal balance between work and lifestyle is something we’re all constantly striving to achieve. For many of us, however, achieving a work-life balance is the equivalent of walking the tightrope: with constant demands from both family and […]
Docking pay on a snow-day – is it legal?
It wouldn’t be a real Canadian winter without a super-storm or two and, at some point over the season, it’s very likely you’ll have to call a snow day – but how clued up are you on what you can and can’t do?HRM asked one employment lawyer’s advice. Do you have an obligation to pay? Missing a […]
Compensation – Unpaid Interns Can Be Expensive
Taking on Unpaid Interns? Don’t Take on a Lawsuit, Too… “… when a complaint is made, the price of an unlawful internship can be quite high. Failure to pay wages, failure to pay minimum wage, overtime, meal and rest violations, and related penalties and attorneys’ fees and costs can add up quickly.” (Ervin Cohen & […]
Why incompetent people get hired (and promoted)
This whole issue of incompetence is a problem with perception, and may have little to do with the reality of the situation.
What follows after Ulrich’s Business Partner Model?
Enter the HR Entrepreneur The Business Partner model has been around for about 10 years now. It has improved both transactional and transformational HR delivery, but this has not led to improving organisational performance to the satisfaction of many CEOs. This leaves HR with a problem. Are you assuming what is needed? Having attended Dave […]
Employment agreements – pros and cons of employee contracts
Making a contractual agreement with a new employee during the potential employee interview process is not common in most fields, but it makes good business sense to do so in some industries.
How to deal with employee productivity issues on cyber-Monday
Cyber Monday is evolving into Cyber Week, a week-long buying frenzy for holiday shoppers looking for irresistible bargains. Human resources professionals, however, see Cyber Monday and Cyber Week as a threat to workplace productivity.
Resource Offers One-Stop Employee Engagement Learning
The TINYinstitute is the web’s first free employee engagement learning center