DisruptHR Vancouver: Interview With Angie Coates

Angie Coates is a creative entrepreneur living in Vancouver, Canada. She’s also a designer, writer and talent consultant. Her passion is helping individuals lead more positive lives, create engaging communities, and build better work environments. Her approach is innovative; it combines over a decade of experience in business and management together with design and creativity. […]

Shake Up Your View Of Leadership

Some New Ground Rules For The Millennial Generation Since starting NextGenLeaders eight years ago, we’ve had the privilege of working extensively with Millennials. At the onset, my assumption was that great leadership is great leadership, and that most of my favorite principles and models would have as much currency for Millennials as they do for […]

Millennials: You Can’t Fight Demographics

I was born in 1956, right in the middle of the Baby Boom, on the cusp between the Vietnam Generation and the Me Generation. Like many of my colleagues embracing our ‘Third Act’, our focus has shifted to helping clients with issues of succession and the development and coaching of the next generation. You can’t […]

Millennials and Volunteerism

A recent study[1] found that 92% of millennials are interested in making the world a better place.  That got me thinking:  Are millennials active as volunteers?  How can charitable organizations tap into their potential? Volunteering Trends The most recent data from Statistics Canada[2] paints an interesting picture. Volunteer participation is highest for the 15 to […]

DisruptHR Vancouver: Interview With Brenda Rigney

Brenda Rigney recently joined Nurse Next Door, the Canadian home care provider, in November 2015. She has an exciting mandate over the next 36 months to create people, process and technology solutions for their Heartquarters (what Nurse Next Door calls their Vancouver-based Head Office) and to enable the growth of 500 franchise operations over four continents. We […]

DisruptHR Vancouver: Interview With Matt Corker, The Corker Co

Matt Corker is People Consultant at The Corker Co in Vancouver, BC. Matt makes an impact on businesses by creating operational excellence, coaching and developing strong leaders, or presenting game-changing information. Area Matt leads and educates in include: leadership, strategic thinking, and innovation. A futuristic trend watcher, Matt is a committed volunteer in the Vancouver […]

The Rise of People and Culture

This article was originally posted here and was written by By Rocky Ozaki, Director of People and Culture at Rise People. From a very young age, I knew my calling was to empower, inspire, and generally help as many people as I could. Nurturing babies was more interesting to me than playing with a GI […]