So what can HR do to make their department more relatable? The answer: incorporate regular employee feedback into the HR decision process.
7 Tips to Help You Prepare for Difficult Workplace Conversations
You won’t really know what it feels like to be fired, for instance, until you go through it yourself (believe me, you learn a lot).
The Business Savvy HR Professional
My first HR job was with a food manufacturing company that had survived for over a hundred years without a dedicated HR person. I had never worked in the food industry before and I started out focusing on setting up the human resources department. Revamping policies, writing job descriptions, and establishing procedures to standardize HR […]
Leadership: Radical Candor vs Radical Caring
Leadership requires candor. Candor requires caring. Caring requires vulnerability. Vulnerability is the political capital you will need to spend in being candid.
Interview Like a Pro: Get Hired for Your Dream Job
Congratulations! You nailed the phone interview and were invited to attend an in-person interview to meet with the hiring manager. Anxiousness is a normal feeling prior to an interview and the only way to quell that feeling is through thorough preparation. In this segment, I will cover some key areas to guide you in putting […]
5 Tips To Ensure Meetings Are Worthwhile
Meetings aren’t inherently problematic. They’ve gotten a bad reputation because most people don’t think about the purpose of the meeting and what value they hope to gain.
Tech Hiring – Survival of the most Liquid
If this is the case then how should we start to define a “better” opportunity? The evidence points to one main thing. Cold, hard, cash!
Rethinking Recruitment
One of the hottest topics at SXSWedu has been how to prepare students for the workplace. Or, in the case of one panel I went to, how to prepare employers for the next generation of students. In a panel called “Diplomas Optional: Jobs of the New Century,” employment experts from LinkedIn, the Markle Foundation, and […]
6 Powerful Reasons Young Professionals Should Volunteer
The benefits of volunteering flow in both directions; not only can you help others, but you will gain valuable skills that will assist you throughout your career.
When policy, practice don’t match
Quite often, web content is hopelessly outdated and riddled with errors, as no one bothers to update and proofread content once it’s online. The latest press release under the ‘News’ tab is from September 2011. Job postings that closed long ago are still up.