Is Love the Key to Increasing Employee Engagement?

When you talk to employees who are highly engaged at work, you will hear them use a particular four letter word a lot. “I love this place.” “I love my job.” “I love the people I work with.” And, while “love” isn’t a word that most HR departments use with regularity, perhaps it should be. […]

3 Benefits Of Digital Onboarding


Traditional onboarding can be a bit depressing. Employees come in for their first day excited to make a difference and, in most cases, they sit in a windowless room signing form after form. Then, new employees are awkwardly introduced to the team, shown to their desk, and thrown in at the deep end — with […]

Managers: The Solution To Every Problem Is NOT Termination

Everyone thinks that they can be a Manager. Honestly, I think some just want the title and power that comes along with it so badly that they convince themselves they are “management” material and you can’t tell them otherwise.  For those that dream about moving into a management position, there is still time to teach […]

SHRM Speaker Profile: Craig Briscoe

Craig Briscoe is the Vice President of HR for Dell‘s Global Commercial Sales and Enterprise Solutions Organization. Craig’s responsibility is providing HR support for 25,000 Dell employees in sales, marketing, and engineering. With Dell’s recent announcement of their intent to acquire EMC, Craig is now leading the integration of the Organization, Talent, Culture, and Change Management […]