Managers? Or Leaders? Or Both?

To begin, management and leadership are not necessarily the same, but they do go hand in hand. Over the years, the lines between the role of a leader and a manager have blurred, and the terms are now being used interchangeably. With the lack of clarity in job expectations, many workplaces have not been able […]

Impress Your Boss with These 15 Tips

It’s your first day on the job and naturally, you want to impress your boss. But how do you exactly go about doing this? You don’t want to come off as too strong, but you don’t want to come off as an ordinary worker. Every job is different, but most employers expect the essential characteristics […]

What Employers Look for When Hiring Recent Graduates

Entering postsecondary is an exciting new chapter for many. Everyone has a different route and there is no such thing as the right way to live your postsecondary career. You may choose to pursue your interests and further develop yourself by getting involved, whether it be running for student elections, participating in school clubs, or […]

Interview with Jennifer McClure Part 2: Community Building, HR Influencers and DisruptHR

HRchat host Bill Banham recently interviewed Jennifer McClure. Jennifer is a keynote speaker, social media influencer, executive coach, President of Unbridled Talent LLC and CEO of the awesome DisruptHR series. Jennifer has over 25 years of experience leading human resources and talent acquisition efforts, studying industry best practices, and partnering with senior executives to improve their […]

DisruptHR Toronto: Improv & positive reinforcement with Lori Pearlstein [Podcast]

Read the podcast transcription here: Bill: Welcome to the HRchat Podcast. I’m your host, Bill Banham. Today we’re joined by Lori Pearlstein. Lori is founder of Playworks, a comedian, actor, and she’s a public speaker. She coaches individuals on job interview skills, public speaking, and confidence building. Lori uses the correlation between cognitive behavioral therapy […]

How Do You Define Effective Leadership?

Lately, much emphasis is given to a leader’s ability to influence the behavior of his/her followers and much less on his/her ability to actually direct them towards the right goals and strategy. This made me question the nature of leadership, as it is currently being presented. What’s the value of influence if it doesn’t lead to actual […]

Telltale Signs You Aren’t Ready to Lead Yet

Stepping up to a leadership position requires a unique set of abilities. In any new phase of growth, sheer determination can only take you so far. But what if you’re not ready to step it up? This is just another step in the career journey.

Read on to see some of the telltale signs you aren’t ready to lead – yet.