Small business owners should add terminations to their list of management training priorities. By Michael Essany
Developing Internal Candidates
Promoting internal candidates to fill open positions has big advantages. Internal candidates are already familiar with how your company works, and having a regular practice of promoting employees means you increase the chance that your best employees will stick around. In order to ensure that your current employees are qualified to fill your openings, it […]
HR And Marketing: Building A Better Company Experience Together
As a HR professional, how well do you really understand how your company’s brand, culture and values are portrayed to the outside world? What are the mechanics of projecting the corporate image? In in tune with your brand message are you and your colleagues in HR? In today’s interconnected digital world of social business and […]
Why Is It So Hard For Leaders To Listen?
Justine loves to talk. She loves to give advice. She loves to be in charge. The issue is that Justine’s team finds her to be somewhat overbearing. To be a more impactful leader, Justine is going to have to change her behaviour! I suggested to Justine that she starts to talk less and listen more. She […]
Launch a Corporate Wellness Program with Creative Low Cost Ideas
Everyone’s talking about improving the health and wellness of their employees. Sure, it makes sense from the standpoint of producing greater engagement and reducing the costs of healthcare premiums through preventative wellness support. Corporate Wellness is Worth the Investment As of 2015, the RAND Corporation reports that an estimated $6 billion is spent per year […]
SHRM Survey Suggests Employee Turnover Is Biggest Issue Facing HR
Are you concerned about filling jobs in your company? Do you lay asleep at night worrying about better ways to achieve employee engagement? You are not alone! Employee retention, employee engagement and succession planning have been ranked as the biggest challenges faced by HR departments in 2015. The findings come from the 2015 SHRM/Globoforce Employee Recognition Survey which suggest […]
To Buddy Or Not To Buddy?
Onboarding New Employees: The Buddy System To buddy or not to buddy? Orientation buddies are existing employees who have been working in your organization for several years. They are good performers who act as a role model for your new employees. They are valuable new employee allies because they can provide information, including the inside scoop […]
When Good HR People Go Bad: How to Improve HR’s Bad Reputation
I have heard a lot of people complain about HR at their company. It seems to be common practice to talk about how incompetent HR people are. Let’s face it: we often get a bad rap. While there are HR people out there who give us a bad reputation, I think there are far more […]
When Your Team’s Energy Is Low It Hurts Productivity And Innovation
When your team’s energy level is low it not only affects productivity but also members’ ability to think innovatively and carry new ideas forward. Allowing energy to drain is very costly Several things can affect energy but a major one that we commonly see is team members giving too much attention to things over which […]
10 Reasons To Hire Students
As a former co-op student and current co-op employer, I always get excited when we welcome a new co-op recruit to Learnography. Here are some of the reasons why.