Successful recruitment management always impacts on organization growth. It focused on a culture where people can deliver their best abilities.
News and Opinion for HR, Talent and Leaders
Successful recruitment management always impacts on organization growth. It focused on a culture where people can deliver their best abilities.
The small business owners should know where they should aim for, which areas should they focus upon to achieve the desired goal.
You might have heard about the concept of blockchain but do you know how it affects the recruitment process? The concept of blockchain technology was introduced in 2009 with the development of Bitcoin, which is a virtual currency. What is Blockchain? A blockchain is a time-stamped series of unchanging records of data, which is […]
AI is the latest trend in the recruitment industry. AI tools such as parsing software, ATS, chatbots help in reducing manual process & saves time.
Diverse and unbiased recruitment plays a vital role in building a talent pipeline. AI tools like resume parser help to avoid unbiased hiring & improves diversity.