In this HRchat interview, we talk with long-time friend of The HR Gazette, Rowena Morais. Rowena is founder at Vertical Distinct, a media and learning organisation which publishes great content with the help of their network of high calibre contributors from around the world. The media brand also run a range of internationally accredited in-demand […]
Improving the Performance of Long-Term Employees
HR professionals talk a lot about what it takes to recruit and retain new employees, but what’s discussed less, is how to keep the long-term stalwarts of our companies engaged beyond the 2, 5, and 10 year mark. Focusing on newbie recruits alone can create a workplace where managers rarely acknowledge long-term employees who, in […]
How HR Can Foster Workplace Happiness
What is the Role of HR in Workplace Happiness? Human resources are always in the constant pressure of building a great team for the company, with the main goal to hire the right people and to keep them in the workforce for as long as possible. To achieve this, there’s always an ongoing need for […]
How to make your pre-employment screening super effective
Recruiting new people to join your company comes with many responsibilities and factors of which a hiring professional should be aware. It is necessary to get to know the individual as completely as you can before hiring him/her which is why pre-employment screening is a must. An employer’s viability depends on the employee’s quality and reliability. […]
7 Points of Satisfaction in Buying HR Technology. E3: Negotiation with Adam Hale, Sage People
Seven Points of Satisfaction in buying HR Tech is a new webcast series is based on a popular series written by William Tincup and Jeremy Ames and published exclusively on The HR Gazette. Jeremy and Adam discuss important topics such as: Transitioning from proposals and demos to negotiation What defines “success” in negotiation? Why is it […]
Pros and Cons: Offering Employees Stock Options
To attract the best employees, you need to have a competitive compensation package. In addition to solid salaries, healthcare benefits and retirement funds, your employees may also expect stock options. As a way to get the employees invested in the future of the company, stock options are a worthwhile offering for both employees and employers. […]
Engendering Transgenderism In The Modern Workplace
Many years ago I worked with a guy called Terry. Terry was quiet, but friendly enough, a bit of a loner, but social enough. Terry was introverted, but just outgoing enough to be someone with whom to look forward to having a chat. We crossed paths often in the kitchen, the men’s room, the elevator, […]
6 Insider Interview Rules to Getting the Job
Your heart is racing. You’ve been searching for months. You want this job so badly – you can taste it. Your hands are sweating. You have the skills, but you struggle in sealing the deal at the interview. A story we have heard literally hundreds of times in our line of work… and with good […]
All you need to know about HR-as-a-service
HR has been battling it out between taking up responsibility towards organizational improvement and completing day to day work deliverables. The need to secure a safe spot in the strategy plan has always been the thrust needed to analyzing and leveraging the capability HR holds. To simplify the process of evaluating talent and deploying them […]
7 Points of Satisfaction in Buying HR Technology: Preview with William Tincup, RecruitingDaily
Seven Points of Satisfaction in Buying HR Tech is a new webcast series is based on a popular series written by William Tincup and Jeremy Ames and published exclusively on The HR Gazette. Sign Up to Receive more HR Tech Tips [contact-form to=’[email protected]’ subject=’7 Points Sign Up’][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][/contact-form] Join HR tech expert Jeremy Ames […]