Conquering 2022 and Beyond: Utilizing the Human Resources Department
Over the course of the last two years, the COVID-19 pandemic has continued to challenge our conventional perception of normal. Overnight, business as usual became anything but – companies were suddenly forced to adapt and reinvent themselves: to intensify their adoption toward digital solutions and transform the way they work long before they felt ready to.
If that wasn`t enough, companies also faced supply-chain issues, labor shortages and a mass-exodus known as The Great Resignation – or The Great Reshuffle – truly giving companies a run for their money.
But when the going gets tough, HR departments get going. Using their leadership to manage decentralized teams, ensure working conditions align with confusing health restrictions and everchanging regulations, all in the name of overall wellness.
According to a recent study from TrustRadius, 74% of HR professionals feel challenged after a full year of constant adaptation to suit this pandemic, with 38% indicating exhaustion. Its no secret that the pandemic has increased the importance of the HR department tenfold.
The State of the Workforce in 2022, HR Technology and How It Addresses the Labor Shortage
According to a recent survey conducted by Fidelity Investments, approximately 40% of workers in the US and Canada alone are looking for new employment in 2022– with many respondents citing values-based reasoning for their departures. People want meaning and purpose in their work.
As this new, empowered workforce finds more value in flexibility, purpose and career growth, HR departments have relied heavily on HR tech solutions to provide real-time data analytics to directly address this trend. According to research conducted by TrustRadius many professionals in Human Resources (55%) are spending more on HR technology solutions – with 45% either upgrading their current tech stack and 38% purchasing completely new technology altogether.
Given all the above, HR departments are facing two distinct problems: retaining the talent they have and recruiting new top talent with the new skills required. With the right HR tech solution in place, HR professionals can recruit more effectively and without bias (according to 49% of HR professionals with a tech solution already deployed) and put your existing talent in the driver`s seat of their career.
When it comes to recruitment, HR tech solutions can revolutionize the onboarding process, offering the possibility of a unique, personalized onboarding experience. As engagement is a key component for success, bringing new hires up to speed with the company culture, policies, necessary training modules and even share useful links or documentation.
Alternatively, regarding employee retention, HR tech solutions help promote a more open management style, allowing managers understand what skills make their employees perform and how to discuss and revise goals and expectations with continuous conversations. Since HR tech uses AI to build and track metrics, all data is actionable and recorded in real-time – helping streamline processes when it comes to training, development, and career growth.
2022: A Time for A New Mindset
As the ever-evolving state of the workforce, and the continued adoption of remote and hybrid workforces, companies are relying more heavily on HR departments to continue to build and conserve their ecosystems for tomorrow.
If 2021 was any indication of where the labor market is heading, 2022 should be a time for change and new approaches. If a company cannot succeed without its employees, then HR departments should be key strategic partners: keeping employees connected and engaged to build stronger, more collaborative teams and leveraging HR tech solutions to help put their people back at the forefront of their organizations.
To learn more about how to rethink the work experience for a sustainable performance visit https://www.cegid.com/en/human-resource-management/
Authored by Lya Gutierrez P. Marketing Manager North America, Cegid.