Toxic Workplace

A toxic workplace can do a lot of damage.

They take a toll on your mental health, they warp your notions of right and wrong and worst of all, they make you adopt coping behaviors which are unhealthy.

Unfortunately, it’s not always possible to spot a toxic workplace or even escape it right away. Some workplaces turn toxic over a period of time, some are insidiously toxic and Some of them are toxic because of a few toxic employees. And sometimes, despite your due diligence, you get enmeshed in one anyway because the dysfunction was so well hidden.

Of course, the number one thing to do, once you find yourself in a toxic workplace is, leave. However, that’s not always possible and not everyone has the luxury to do so. In that case, the first thing you need to focus on is taking care of yourself so that the workplace does not take a toll on your sanity.


Draw Clear Boundaries

You have to be clear about what is acceptable to you and what is not. This barometer of right and wrong will help you survive a toxic workplace because you will be able to pinpoint to what extent you can deal with things or turn a blind eye. For example, if the work culture at your workplace includes working extremely long hours, set a clear time for yourself. And stick to that. Learn to say no to request you know are impossible or require you bend over backward frequently.

Leave Work at the Workplace

A demoralizing workplace can cause you to carry a bad mood from work to all the way. It can affect your relationship with friends and family members. Even in the best of circumstances, it is never a good idea to let your work consume you. In a toxic workplace, the best thing you can do is leave your work behind and instead focus on the positive aspects of spending time with people who value you.

But not everyone goes home to family or their own home at the end of the day. Which brings me to my next point.

Participate In Creative Outlets

Creative outlets outside of work can bring you great peace of mind. Even if you have never had a hobby or a creative outlet before, it’s not too late to pick up one and focus on that. If you find that you are absolutely not the creative kind, there are other outlets available as well. For example, exercise or meditation is a great way to decompress after a stressful day at work. Going for long walks, or even just gazing up that sky, or listening to music can enormously help your mood.

Avoid Office Drama in Toxic Workplaces

It is very easy to get sucked into workplace drama. Workplace gossip is addictive and at first, it can feel great to vent to a group of people who feel the same way as you. However, very quickly gossip can take a malicious turn and begin impacting your peace of mind. When confronted with workplace gossip, excuse yourself from the conversation, or better yet profess ignorance and cluelessness about the situation. This way, people will be less interested in engaging.

There’s also another important point to keep in mind. If you engage in workplace gossip and spreading malicious rumors, you could very well find yourself be the topic of conversation one day. And once a rumor takes off, it can be very hard to squash it. More importantly, it might affect your reputation and as such, even affect your life outside of work.

Remain Impersonal, Remain Impervious

The negativity at a toxic workplace can very quickly get you down. That is why it is so important to not make any personal and close attachments and remain impervious to any petty criticisms your way. The more you let things affect you, the harder it will be for you to get through the time you have left her.

Focus on Doing The Best You Can

Through all of this, throw your entire focus into your work and ensure that it is the best work you produce. This way, nobody can reproach your work or even hold you back on the basis of incomplete or badly done work.

The best thing you can do about surviving a toxic workplace is biding your time, looking for jobs in the meanwhile and of course, getting out as soon as you find the first opportunity to do so.

In the meanwhile, use these tips to stay afloat!