Trish McFarlane, author of the HR Ringleader blog, is the VP of HR Practice/ Principal Analyst for the Brandon Hall Group.

A former HR executive with over 15 years of experience in Big 4 public accounting, PR, healthcare, and IT, Trish’s expertise in leadership, performance management, training & development, change management, social media, and innovation, enables her to capture readers and audiences with real-life examples of how leadership plays out in organizations.

Furthering HR Education

Trish co-founded HRevolution (, a conference that highlights emerging trends and the future of HR, with the goal of providing an alternative networking and learning experience for business professionals who were tired of the traditional conference model.  HRevolution is an event that inspires collaboration and innovative ideas in the human resource industry.  She also co-founded the Women of HR blog ( in order to give a voice to practitioners who are passionate about issues affecting women in the workplace.

Trish has been a speaker at various events including the SHRM Annual Conference, PRS Brand Camp, Senior HR Executive Conference , The HR Technology Conference, The Conference Board’s “Social Media for HR Conference”, CHCA, HR Southwest, HR Florida, Talent Net Live, HRevolution, and TRU London.  She has received numerous accolades for her blogging and online efforts including:

In addition to being one of North America’s top HR social media influencers, Trish has writen guest posts for several sites including,, Halogen’s “Lighter Side of HR”, and many others.  She has also also been cited in the Business Journal publications, USA Today, and HR Executive Magazine online!

Wow Trish really is a HR powerhouse!

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