organizational change

My guest in HRchat episode 579 is Nashville-based Tara Joseph, Co-Founder and CFO at Big Plan Holdings, a company that encompasses Edgehill Music Publishing, the Amulet Society, and American Paint. Tara and her team at Big Plan Holdings have created a unique company culture with the goals of ensuring no one is above anyone else and that all employees are treated as equals.

  • How do HR pros and leaders begin to build a culture where employees feel they have the freedom to take risks and present their ideas and concerns without fear of retribution?
  • What does it take to run a company where all of your employees want to stay for the long-term?
  • How can we add a little Southern hospitality to the ways we work?

Listen to my conversation with the awesome Tara to find out!

How to Achieve 100% Employee Retention with Tara Joseph, Big Plan Holdings

Questions for Tara include:

  • Big Plan Holdings (BPH), has interests in real estate, fashion, music, hospitality, and other ventures. Please give us a brief overview of Big Plan Holdings.
  • What type of culture are you building at Big Plan Holdings and why?
  • Let’s address the doubters out there: can we ever really build a non-hierarchical system? Is it possible to build a flatter, more egalitarian structure? Will office politics get in the way? “All animals are created equal but some animals are more equal than others.”
  • In your last answer, you said “Remember where you come from and always value people”. how have you and your husband instilled that in your daughters (who also work at the company?
  • What is the response you have received from Big Plan Holding employees?

More About Tara

An artist at heart, Tara has an extensive background in fashion design, senior-level retail management, buying, and company branding with professional stops including Nordstrom and Claire’s Accessories. Tara’s entrepreneurial spirit and love for high-end fashion led her to opening “It’s So Tara,” an upscale resale boutique in the Chicagoland area.

With two daughters of her own, Tara has made it a priority to support, empower, and encourage women to be the greatest versions of themselves, both personally and professionally.  Tara was the Founder of 3rd Eye Hi –  a woman’s lifestyle subscription box company – and is the Founder of Amulet Society – a women’s social networking group based in Nashville and Chicago.

Tara has dedicated over a decade to a number of private and public organizations including acting as President of the Illinois District 102 Parent Teacher Organization, the Fundraising Coordinator of the Stevenson High School Foundation, a member of the Amazing Women Entrepreneur Network, and a Board Member of Stevenson High School’s Alumni Foundation.  She was the Informative Director of Cannabis Social Club and Entertainment Coordinator at Prairie House Tavern, a restaurant and live music venue in the Chicagoland area.

Constantly seeking new business opportunities, Tara plays a large role in business acquisition alongside her husband, Josh.


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