HRchat Interview with William Tincup: Rebuilding and Reinventing the Workforce

In HRchat episode 215, we welcome William Tincup back to share his take on how candidates are getting to grips with the ‘now normal’ and some ways that companies are reinventing themselves in order to thrive in the future. William is the President/Editor-at-Large at RecruitingDaily and a member of multiple boards of advisors. At the intersection of HR and […]

HRchat Interview with Laura Johnson and Richard Linstead: Mentoring and Career Progression

The pandemic put a long pause on work for many of us this year. This gave pros an opportunity to re-evaluate their careers. In this HRchatchat interview, we’ll be considering ways to empower people to take control of their career paths. In this episode, Bill Banham is joined by Richard Linstead and Laura Johnson, Co-Founders at the new […]

HRchat Interview with Nancy Vitale: The Art of Creating Great Places to Work

In HRchat episode 208 we consider the elements needed to design an exceptional work environment. My guest is Nancy Vitale, Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Partners for Wellbeing, a boutique People and HR advisory and consulting firm that is dedicated to bringing holistic wellbeing to organizations, enabling them to be great places to work for […]

HRchat Interview with Carla Rieger: Leadership and Resilience in the Face of Adversity

The Art of Leadership and Resilience In episode 204 of the HRchat podcast, we consider what it takes to manage people in turbulent times. Our guest is Carla Rieger, CEO at MindStory Coaching and speaker at the most recent InnovateWork Vancouver event where she presented a session called ‘A Brain Hack for Building Confidence when Working in […]