6 Reasons Why Communication Is Incredibly Important

Whether in your personal or professional life, communication plays a heavy role in keeping it alive and healthy. From writing and speaking to body language and more, there’s more than one way to get a point across. Communicating well can be vital to success in any part of life. Read on to see how and why.

Builds Relationships

It’s simple: interacting with others makes it easier to connect to them. More than simply holding conversations, though, is being able to create meaningful relationships that lead to success for everyone involved. With completed projects and thriving friendships to gain, you’re better off learning how to work well with others than leaving them in the dark.


Good communication in a business context can be the difference between new clients and sales declines. It also affects workflow, since an employer or manager who’s clear and concise with their employees makes work easier. Workers feel more comfortable expressing themselves, and teams are free to build rapport; heightened productivity tends to follow. While you probably aren’t trying to meet project goals in personal relationships, much of the same is true: those relationships will be healthier as a result.


If you or your team spends a lot of time arguing with others, chances are that work won’t get done adequately. Likewise, team members will not be as clear as to what’s expected of them and the goals they’re meant to meet. By communicating effectively, you remove these problems; you also help your peers better understand their strengths and accomplishments. Projects and goals to come will benefit from clear organization, even if the team changes somewhat over time.

Problems and Solutions

Similarly to the point above, communication is crucial for when problems do arise. It lowers the risk of misunderstandings and hurt feelings that can interfere with workplace morale as well as employees’ personal lives. If this might require negotiation training, check out your options—it can be an effective way to settle issues without much hassle. A team of hundreds can suffer when negative emotions abound, so good problem-solving protects your people and your business when implemented with care.


Keeping communication lines open results in greater transparency, which is invaluable for building trust across an organization. This affects your market as well as your employees, since clients typically like to know what decisions and goings-on will have an impact on them. Being honest leaves people accountable, which works to ensure high quality and standards stay in place. Don’t count transparency out, because when your customers and team feel assured, growth can happen.

Improve Skills

If you happen to be “below” someone in your company, it nonetheless pays to communicate well in the workplace for your position’s sake. By being clear about expectations and what you can accomplish, you help set the pace and keep workflow manageable. This, in turn, can help your coworkers manage their tasks; you’ll also prevent confusion among the group. If you intend to move up in the workplace, good communication will be vital for showcasing your talents and ability to cooperate.

Even as work environments change and grow, communication remains fundamental to both effectiveness and happiness in a business. You’ll spare your workplace plenty of problems by doing it well, which can only mean a better environment in the long run. It may take some learning and further education on your and your team’s parts. Everyone benefits when you do it correctly.