Dysfunctional Teams

Spotting Five Characteristics of Dysfunctional Teams

In HRchat episode 356, I talk with Matt Poepsel, Ph.D. about how to attract and manage a high-performing workforce. Listen too, as we talk about how to identify potentially dysfunctional teams and what to do to get your people back on track.

Matt is “The Godfather of Talent Optimization” and the Vice President of Partner Growth at The Predictive Index, a talent optimization platform. He has served in product and partner empowerment roles at The Predictive Index for the past 7 years. Matt has a Ph.D. in Psychology from Capella University and is a former U.S. Marine and Ironman triathlon finisher.


Questions For Matt Include:

  • Why does your team claim that “Once you start practicing talent optimization, you’ll never go back to “the old way” of leading“?
  • How can managers help their employees be more accountable?
  • Can you share some tips for leaders looking to better communicate with their teams both in-person and remotely?
  • Why is it important, after you’ve pulled together the right candidates, to keep a pulse on employee engagement to nip problems in the bud? Talk to me about the benefits of ongoing feedback and engagement surveys?
  • There’s a great post on your blog called ‘Dysfunctional teams: The 5 characteristics‘ Can you walk our listeners through those 5 characteristics?



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