Avoiding Employee Health Insurance Pitfalls

Attracting and retaining employees is top of mind for all business leaders today. The Great Resignation of 2021 has seen employees leaving their jobs in unprecedented numbers. 50 percent are naming better pay and benefits as a key reason for leaving their jobs.

With our health at the forefront of much of the conversation during the global pandemic—physical, emotional, and mental—it’s a wonder that more employers haven’t yet revamped a key component of an employer’s benefits package: health insurance.

In HRchat episode 359, we ask how employers can attract talent with excellent benefits packages that won’t break the bank. My guest this time is John Butler, President at JB Benefits Consulting LLC. With over 25 years of experience in workplace benefits, John has written a new book that explores innovative approaches to healthcare that every business should consider.


In his new book, Health Insurance Sucks, John uncovers the world of business healthcare and delivers new solutions that you could implement today. The book aims to provide you with an entirely new way of approaching healthcare for employees and to arm you with every weapon you need to fight against big insurance, big pharma, and the big government players that have dominated for decades. You could be on offense rather than continuing to play defense against skyrocketing premiums and deteriorating benefits.

In fact, the book takes all the rules levied by insurance companies and pharmacy companies, and even the US federal and state governments, and uses those same exact rules in an attempt to beat them at their own game.



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