4 Reasons Why CEOs Support Investing in Language Training
Employees of a company with an international scope must interact daily with employees from different countries who do not speak the same language as theirs. Under these conditions, it is obvious that language training for business can help to improve communication, but should this training be made mandatory? Why do CEOs support investing in these trainings? Today, every company has to work internationally. Organizations that promote language training therefore have a clear advantage over those that do not provide it.
1. Language Training Increases Company Revenue
Language training not only has a very good ROI (Return on investment) for organizations but also gives employees the opportunity to develop their skills on the job. Surveys have shown that companies that offer language training directly to their employees see an increase in revenue. This is especially important in today’s world, where negotiations are frequently conducted in multiple languages. Since a large majority of companies will need to communicate in at least two languages, providing language training to employees is no longer just beneficial, but becomes a requirement to ensure the company’s growth. If all companies now need employees who speak several languages, not offering training within the organization risks jeopardizing it compared to its competitors.
2. Communication is the Core of Every Company
The quality of communication alone can determine the success or failure of a company. Therefore, communication is key. Employees in contact with prospects or customers are the direct representatives of an organization as a whole. Therefore, poor communication can give a terrible impression of the company and create difficulties in negotiations. In official documents, small mistakes can have big consequences, and cultural differences play an important role in the interpretation of these documents. This type of incident is obviously critical for international companies that deal with sensitive business daily, such as law firms, human rights organizations, or governments. But what about other companies? The risks are initially less easily identified, but the consequences are just as dangerous. Misunderstandings can lead to bad decisions, resulting in a drop in revenue that can quickly put the company in jeopardy.
3. Poor Language Knowledge is No Longer Acceptable Worldwide
The most widely spoken language in international negotiations is English, and companies whose employees are not fully fluent in English can suffer. That doesn’t mean that English-speaking employees shouldn’t try and learn a new language. Creating a corporate culture around a common language is particularly important for European organizations where many nationalities are brought together. It will be common to encounter situations where two employees whose native language is not English will need to use it in order to communicate, but sometimes, English isn’t an available option. Some organizations use language tests to check that newly hired employees have the necessary skills to handle such challenges. The tests also help to understand employees’ limitations and identify situations where language training will be needed. There is no doubt about it: good language skills have a positive impact on a company. Whether CEOs choose to make language training mandatory or simply optional for their employees, there is a big difference. Better language skills make companies look more credible and professional, which, in turn, will make it more profitable.
4 Preply is an Easy Way to Train Employees
Preply is a new kind of tutoring platform. Founded in 2013 by Ukrainians Kirill Bigai, Serge Lukyanov and Dmytro Voloshyn, the website started out as a company that helped parents find online tutors for the SAT (US college entrance exam). Victim of its massive success, the company quickly moved on to online language tutoring. The principle of Preply is simple, functioning as a marketplace, it connects tutors and students for online lessons. Contrary to what one might think at first glance, it does not only offer private lessons in foreign languages. The site offers lessons on all possible subjects, including marketing, computer science and web development. Indeed, companies don’t only need to master foreign languages. Employees need to be fluent in very specific areas. Preply language training for business offers language training for employees focusing on corporate vocabulary. Preply’s mission is to allow people to take all the courses of their choice in e-learning, with the tutors of their choice, and language training for companies enables employees to afford this type of elite education.
What You Should Remember
Offering to employees the opportunity to work on their language skills will allow them to communicate more professionally both inside and outside the company. Today, language skills are no longer just an option, but a fundamental requirement for a company to thrive in the global economy. To remain competitive, it is essential to train employees in the languages used within the company. A good knowledge of these languages will also strengthen the interpersonal skills of employees. For good results, CEOs should choose the right partner for their language training. With over 10 years of experience working with large corporations, Preply offers flexible blended learning language training solutions.
Authored by Jonathan Bara, Manager Marketing at Close Your Gap SRL