My vision for Syndesus is to bring together engineers and highly skilled workers all across Canada with US companies seeking to hire them.
DisruptHR Madison: Interview with Jillana Peterson
We’re seeing a demand for volunteerism and corporate social responsibility to be integrated into business practices…
A Conversation with Mohammed Chahdi
Mohammed Chahdi is the Director of Global HR Services at Dell Inc. and was the keynote speaker for day one of CTMS.
Why a Good Boss Doesn’t Care About Being Liked
I learned a lot from nearly every boss I’ve ever had, including one of the most important (and counterintuitive) traits of being a great boss.
Disrupt HR Edmonton: Interview with Alison McMahon
As a HR pro myself, I have seen how HR folks can, at times, hold on really tight to their ‘best practices’ and not try new things.
DisruptHR Edmonton: Interview with Diane Luzny
Right now, with people having the option of being location independent and the opportunity to learn from those from around the world, there will be changes in how things are done.
Tailoring Your Interview for Cultural Fit
When a company fails to hire for company culture along with all other prerequisites, they face a high risk of losing their employee within the first year.
DisruptHR Calgary: Interview with Shane Wallace
If you have ever played with a Slinky, used a Post-it note, seen a fireworks display or microwaved your meal then you know my idea has merit because ALL of these things were invented by mistake.
DisruptHR Cayman: Interview With Kobi Dorenbush
Kobi Dorenbush is a creative thinker and a passionate competitor, and he will be one of the speakers at the DisruptHR Cayman event on May 25.
DisruptHR Cayman: Interview With Dawn Burke
Dawn is the VP of People for Daxko, a leading software provider for member-based organizations nation-wide. She will be one of the speakers at the DisruptHR Cayman event on May 25.