Bring Back The Pink Slips!

Back in the days of the Personnel Department, the “pink slip” was a notice included with the employee’s paycheck notifying them that their employment had ended, either by termination or layoff.  No one knows when this practice came into being, or how it was even labeled with the color pink.  Even Peter Liebhold, a curator […]

The Power of Integrative Thinking

In her classic book, The Change Masters, Harvard Business School Professor, Rosabeth Kanter, found that the key difference between truly innovative change leaders and those who focused only on incremental change came down to two different mindsets. The innovative leaders – those who succeeded in leading change projects that crossed boundaries and addressed formerly unseen […]

How to respond to an inappropriate request for acess to personal social media

The Employer’s Issue: “You can’t ask that.” Fourteen states have passed legislation that “prohibits an employer from requesting or requiring an employee or applicant to disclose a user name or password for a personal social media account.” Employment lawyers and social media consultants have spent the last year hammering home the message, “You can’t ask […]

Social Media – It Rocks the Working World

We all know how social media has impacted our personal lives. How has this impacted the way that people work? Has it made employees more or less productive? How do employees value social media relative to other time alternatives? I had the opportunity to review an early copy of a two-hundred page study released today […]

How Great Change Leaders use Stakeholder Agility

In today’s business environment, leading change has become an integral part of a manager’s job. It’s also become more challenging. One of the biggest challenges is gaining sustained commitment from those whose support we need to be successful. This post is about a particular kind of leadership agility we need to lead change effectively: “stakeholder […]